Temba Bhote

Based in Kathmandu, Nepal
Trek Rate
$25 per day
English, Nepali, Sherpa
over 19 years

Temba is most at home in his village of Hunkong, in the Sankhuwasabha District of Nepal. This mountainous region is home to Makalu, the fifth highest mountain in the world. A family man with 4 children ranging in ages from 14 to 20 years, when he is not leading treks or scaling 8000 meter peaks, Temba enjoys farming in his village where he grows crops of millet, corn, rice, wheat, and potatoes. With 15 years of experience as a trekking guide and 12 years climbing the highest peaks in the world, Temba is nearly as at home the mountains as he is on his farm. He has lead trekking groups in the Khumbu, Langtang, Annapurna, and Around Manaslu. He has also accomplished the amazing feat of summiting Mount Everest twice within a 3 day period. In addition to Mount Everest, Temba has been on expeditions in Pumori, Ama Dablam and Manaslu.

Availability & Upcoming Treks

Note: Guides marked as available indicates that they have no known conflicting treks, and have not indicated that they are not available. However, many guides may have personal commitments or treks outside the Sherpana network that may not be reflected their Sherpana availability calendar. To assure the guide you choose is available you can select the after the trek is confirmed from the guides that confirm they are both available and willing to lead your trek.

  • July 2024